Sunday, February 16, 2014

Free Write - In Every Sense of the Word

I made a resolution to post weekly, and I intend to keep it.

"I made a promise, Mr. Frodo. A promise."

Something like that.

But sometimes the desire to blog and the time to blog don't want to correspond nicely like they're supposed to. So this is my basically free-write blog post, where I shall just spin something out and see what happens. It's quick, and will probably come out weird, but hey, that's free writing for you. Actually free writing is a wonderful exercise that I've started liking more lately. It's really weird once you first start it. It's like "I'm supposed to be typing out my thoughts? Umm...I'm thinking about what I'm thinking about. I'm think about what to write about. And so I'm writing about thinking about what to write about...Aaah!" Yeah, pretty much.

But once you let yourself go, and just be willing to type, to keep throwing stuff out there, to not stop or restrain yourself, it can be a great exercise. It's great to do if you have a lot of emotions that you want to pour out, even if you don't know how to articulate them. It can be used as a venting mechanism. It can be used as a type of brainstorming. It can help generate ideas, whether that's for writing or a project or just for how to deal with a situation in your life. There are lots of uses. Sometimes it just helps to pour it out there. And see, now I'm free writing about free writing. And I'm trying to not slow down or censor myself (within reason, you understand. Don't go crazy with what I mean by that). And not censoring is hard - especially since I know I'm going to be posting this. This is probably a little more controlled than most free writes I do, or than most free writes should be. I would suggest not even going back to fix typos when you free write, which is of course not what I'm doing in this case, because who wants to read a blog post full of illegible typos? Ew. No thank you. Anyway, I hope this isn't boring. It probably is. But it's a blog post. And that's the point.

Ok, a little free writing on some quick thoughts of what's been going on in my life. Hopefully that will be interesting to some degree. In no particular order, here we go. We had two snow days last week, which was beautiful. I loved having the time to relax. Also, I've never really had snow days before, since nothing is ever canceled because of snow where I'm from. Super fun. However, I have even more busy-ness this week than normal because of it. So now I'm looking at several tests, a mock interview, a mountain of reading... And instead of reading Wordsworth or reviewing the French Revolution or practicing my best interviewing skills, like I should be doing, I've been taking "Which Disney Villain Are You?" quizzes, finally signing up for Pottermore (and wishing I could spend all night on it), going to Jack in the Box to get milkshakes and tacos, talking with friends in their dorm rooms, and free writing/blogging about what I'm doing instead of what I should be doing. That's right now.

In general, life's been pretty great lately. I've learned that granola bars are life savers. I've learned that I'll never feel like I've gotten enough sleep. I've learned that the sun will rise. Ok, that came from the line in the song I'm currently listening to. (It's The Lion King Broadway soundtrack, in case you're interested.) I've learned that I've been on a major Broadway music kick recently. I've learned that all my high ideals often don't match up with reality. I've learned that I never quite know what to think of myself. I've learned that there are some areas where I really struggle with knowing what I believe and I feel torn between two extremes. And this just got a bit deeper than I thought it would.

Also this is beginning to get long. Long enough to be a legitimate blog post, right? Anyway, back to the original topic of free writing - this is a bit of what a free write looks like, although I wasn't as strict with myself for this one as I usually am. I usually don't allow any editing or any pauses. But that's the general idea. Hope this was interesting. And if not.... Sorry. It was hurried. Obviously. But other peoples' free writes are probably not as interesting as your own free writes. So go write. Take a chunk of time - even time yourself for it - and just write, everything that comes to your mind. It sounds crazy, but try it. You never know where it's going to go. And you don't have to be a writer to do it. Just have fun. Alright, enough of this. I know this isn't a normal blog post. And most of my posts won't look like this. But I wanted to post, yet didn't want to put the effort into pulling together a polished post. So it's half determination and half laziness. Take it or leave it. But if you read it, or if you try free writing, let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I keep looking for the "like" button and can't find it..... ;)
