Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year's Revolution

Resolution - "the act or process of resolving," "the act of determining," "a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group" 
Revolution - "the usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one," "a sudden, extreme, or complete change in the way people live, work, etc."
(Definitions from
At the start of a new year, we make resolutions - we determine to make changes. We have the will and intent to do things differently. Maybe it's being healthier, finding a job, spending more time with family, reading a certain number of can be pretty much anything. But basically, there are things we want in our lives, and we want to pursue them. Usually, we want to pursue them more diligently than we did last year.
But let's admit it, lots of us (not all, but lots) start off with gusto and then burn out - some sooner than others. We often have the preconceived notion that resolutions get broken, so much so that it's almost become a joke.
But a resolution is supposed to be a change, and if we're serious, we at least want it to be a serious change. We want a revolution.
So let's start by revolting against the idea that we can't keep our resolutions anyway. And then let's revolt against those things that we don't want in our lives - the things we've failed in and need to do better.
Are we going to make a miraculous and sudden change and be everything we wanted? Definitely not. Are we going to burn out in enthusiasm? Probably.
But a resolution is about a determination - not a happy feeling or instant success. It takes work, little steps at a time - like a revolution.
Honestly, I've never been one to make "New Year's resolutions." I've always kind of scoffed at the notion. But this year, I knew that there were a few things that I definitely wanted and needed to do differently. And a new year, just for its sake as a milestone, is a great place to determine to change.
So what are my resolutions?

Every Day:
- Read God's Word and find at least one specific application point
Every Week:
- At least one blog post
- At least three entries in either my poetry or fiction notebook
This Year:
- Read through the Bible
- Read at least thirty books
- Finish writing Point of Madness 
Every Moment:
- Love others
- Love God more, be who He wants me to be

I resolve to revolt.

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