Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dusting Off the Inkwell

Hello, 2014.
Strange, that it's been almost a year since I "jumped in" with this blog...a blog that lasted, barely, for about two months. I think my jumping in turned into tripping (or just plain crashing and burning). I went through a period of guilt and remorse, berating myself for never posting. Then I got too busy with school and life to really worry about it anymore. And without any more guilt, I lost motivation. So nothing happened.
So here, on Christmas break, when I finally found I had time on my hands, the guilt came back. I remembered that I had a blog, and I remembered that pile of things I wanted to write that are still bottled up inside me, impatiently straining to come out.
The problem is, that doesn't just go for my blog. I'm a writer who hasn't been writing. And it hurts.
2013 was a crazy year. Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful - I made some of the greatest memories of my life. But it was still crazy. Most of that craziness came from graduating from my beloved community college, working full time during the summer, living in two different houses, and then moving across the country to start at a brand new university. At school, especially as an English/Creative Writing major, I was constantly reading and writing, so whenever I got a rare stretch of free time, I felt a little burnt out on those activities. During the summer I did a good bit of reading and some writing, but was, in a general sense, very tired and lacking motivation.
So, in short, a pathetically small amount of writing was done this year. My poetry journal had a nasty gap from May to November with absolutely nothing written. My biggest fanfiction I've ever written, still in progress, hasn't had a new chapter posted in six months. (Ew. Still cringing about that one.) The story ideas in my head have received next to no development. And the blog sat collecting cobwebs. (Or crashing on a friend's couch eating soup, which became a sad joke.)
Conclusion? Enough is enough.
The muse is finicky. She values consistency. She can get pretty annoyed. And she doesn't stay around if you don't put forth an effort to meet with her. 
So, I know life isn't going to slow down, and I'm not going to magically find more time. But I do want to be more diligent in how I use my time, and I want to be diligent in writing - in multiple formats - even when the warm and fuzzy motivation is completely lacking.
I'm inviting my muse back, and determining to be a more faithful host.

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