Friday, February 8, 2013

"I Understand"

"Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses that have been rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind."

Agree or disagree as you will, but in my humble and nerdy opinion, I now apply this quote from The Princess Bride to this kiss:

So what, you may ask, does a beautiful kiss from Merlin have to do with anything? (You also may be parodying another classic Princess Bride quote and asking "Is this is a kissing blog?" Well, not usually. But today it is.)

Quite simply, I am inspired by beautiful and well-told stories. Merlin has been my top "fandom" these days as I've been making my way through the series, and when I saw this episode I was blown away. The fantastic emotion in this scene particularly stuck with me, and I wanted to do something to pay tribute to it. It also just so happens that I'm in a poetry class at the moment and  needed to write a poem using repetition. The two ideas came together, and here is the end result, my poem inspired by and paying tribute to Merlin's episode "The Lady of the Lake."
(Note: This is still the rough draft and absolutely a work in progress, so feedback is more than welcome.)

I Understand
I know the darkness presses in like a familiar cage.
I know the rough stone tunnels echo your terror, loud as the warning bells.
I know the cold reaches through the shredded rags of your dress.
I know the filth leaves smudges on your skin, streaks on your face formed by tears.
I know you asked for strawberries, but all I can give is a small red flower.
I know you need to eat, but all I can bring is scraps.
I know you long for safety and freedom, but all I can offer is a chance.
I know now the paralysis of fear because I fear for you.
I know now the pain of emptiness because I am nothing without you.
I know now the terrifying joy of holding you, because I am speaking softly to calm your shaking.
I lean in and gently kiss your lips
as a tear drops from the corner of my eye.
And now I know
that being different
is not the same as being alone.


  1. Although Idont know if the epic Princess Bride quote applies (because I haven't watched Merlin yet and so am not attatched to the characters) I do LOVE your poem! I cannot write poetry to save my life (just ask mom--learning about the "tameters" was my very LEAST favorite part of literature EVER) but I LOVE that you do such a beautiful job of it--the last bit is my very favorite:

    And now I know
    that being different
    is not the same as being alone

